The decision to move into residential care is often a difficult and very emotional one, made due to deterioration in health or the loss of a supportive partner. We hope to minimise the stress of this transition by helping each individual to adjust to their new home, providing as much support as possible.

Although not an exhaustive list, we hope the following information is a useful resource:


Whilst we are a privately owned, independent Care Home, we do not exclude residents who receive financial assistance and funding from their local County Council. Our fees for residential care are established on an individual basis, and are based on the level of care required by each individual along with a small adjustment for each room as they do vary in size. 

Our prices start from £1200 per week and this includes all aspects of their care except for the optional costs of luxury items such as newspapers, hairdressing, chiropody & incontinence aids. We ask for our fees to be paid monthly and in advance via standing order for everyone's ease and convenience. An invoice is always provided to either the resident of their nominated person as a receipt for the money received.

Who pays these fees?

This is a complex matter, and depends on an individuals circumstances. The following is a brief guideline only.

If an individual has savings of more than £23,250 then they themselves are likely to pay for the whole cost of our care fees. Depending upon circumstances, a property may also need to be taken into account. 

If an individual has savings of less than £23,250 and no property then it is advisable to contact the local County Council (Older Peoples Team) where the person lives currently to request individual advice and a full financial assessment. This determines whether they qualify for funding and how much an individual will need to contribute towards their care fees.

What benefits can I claim?

Attendance Allowance can be claimed by anyone who needs Residential Care, provided that they are paying the full costs themselves. There is a lower rate and a higher rate of Attendance Allowance. The government have the Attendance Allowance Helpline to offer advice and help with claiming and can be contacted on 0345 605 6055. This line is open from 8.00am - 6.00pm Monday to Friday. 

Lots of further useful information on both Attendance Allowance and other relevant benefits can also be found at

Where can I find more information

Age UK publish a range of fact sheets on topics connected with the care of elderly people covering issues such as paying for residential care, legal arrangements for managing financial affairs, claiming benefits and related matters. Visit and look for their "Facts For You" section, or contact them on 0800 169 2081.

Where can I get financial advice on paying fees?

There are a number of companies that offer free specialist advice on ways of funding residential care and have a wealth of information and handy tips. We are unable to 'recommend' any one particular company, but there is an examples below, for a company who will be able to help with financial questions. 

Care Aware on 0161 707 1107 or visit


Other considerations

We appreciate that the decision to arrange residential care for an individual and their relatives is a difficult time, but in our experience there are various other matters that are worthy of consideration at this time:

  • Wills - does your relative have a will or need any assistance in drawing one up?

  • Insurance - our home is currently insured with Towergate Patrick, but residents may wish to take out their own insurance for personal possessions and valuables which are not covered by this policy. Age UK can arrange basic contents insurance for a small sum, contact the number above for advice.

  • Power of Attorney/Enduring Power of Attorney - what happens when a resident is not able to manage their own affairs? Have you considered the options? St. George’s is not able to offer any advice, but many local Solicitors will be able to help and advise and this is well worth arranging sooner rather than later.